Sunday, August 1, 2010

Herbaline-saujana impian,Green boX-seremban 2︿︿

昨天被调去saujana impian de herbaline,丽珊载我过去的~10.45am从metro point载我去saujana impian de herbaline~因为之前去过,那里的环境已经差不多了解了~可是星期五晚上还是很担心,毕竟自己一个人过去那里一天~怕怕!而且晚上还难得约了同事去芙蓉唱歌~奇迹性的出夜街???也许我告诉家人有人载啦,加上是应酬~和同事间联络感情啊…………哈啊哈哈~

去到saujana impian de herbaline,心里很紧张~幸好早上还没什么顾客,可以再度了解周围的环境~之后,还上楼看spa room,massage room~11.45am,有顾客了~开始我一天的工作~下手做啊?第一位顾客是马来人,之后华人,再接马来人,之后又有一个新的顾客......shit!!!new customer only ma,no need to show face like that lo~ask me work how long edi,i think she always let ppl do facial tat y she will feel my hand not enough smooth la~dunno how to say!!!hate her~最后,我直接出去叫印度婆接~ u don like i service then she serve u la~she is an experience beautician,last time she work at India salon 7years!!she work at our saujana herbaline almost one years~actually only boss,me n her work at saujana on tis Saturday~if don wan me ma her wash lo,altot she dint say anythings but i dunno will complain or not la~coz i non stop do customer no chance to go in front n serve~

做工的事就不说了。。。 6.55分接近放工,madam 说在我回去metropoint 拿东西,顺便在我回~我眼睛顿时大了,载我回家? really o??结果我告诉她,晚上yumi-one of my colleague会来我家~她和我一起回~结果,madam 说一起啦~还叫丽珊告诉metropoint的她们说check stock edi can go back^^真的难得~也许是saujana sales太多了,生意好吧~说真的,真的很多人~忙不停的!哈阿哈~忙有忙得好,时间很快过~如果我有得抽,就赚钱了~madam说叫我过去,给我赚钱!可是从我家去真得很远啦~

话说回来,我们去到metro point,我上去拿包包~之后可以锁门了!哈~早放…………then all go together n meet tonight~sophia tell m e 9oclock will come my house n fetch us(me n yumi)then meet ah may at highway^^is nice plan~1st time i go out at night n 1st time out with metro point beautician(colleagues)~走到半路,大家都太兴奋了~我和sophia先下去,因为yumi n may竟然忘了那电话,电话还在locker!他们倒回去拿,我呢?继续走,下楼~madam和老板在车等我们~paiseh................

回家后,准备~洗澡,换衣,打扮,吃晚餐~之后,sophia call lai!10min~我和yumi put cream,get ready~我则找我的lian boot~哈哈
sophia来了,出门!去芙蓉~我们不会路,再highway meet ah may和她老公~去到哪里,大约10点~等parking位。。 那里很多人,我们book9.30pm green box的,迟了打给他叫他留房~怎知他说10点lastcall没有buffet~算了,主要是提早帮阿may庆祝生日吧~普通的唱歌而已~

我们唱到一点,may 老公和sophia男友有叫一jug酒~我们六个唱到差不多时打破了辣椒酱~swt!!too high~我觉得只有我最冷咯~无言!颈歌舞不适合,抒情?我从来都陪坐的。。只有几首歌配合大家跳上沙发咯~ 哈哈哈
那时突然想起和大家唱歌的情景~阿may的老公唱情歌给她听,真lam~之后,其实有点怪~我和yumi一pair?haha~因为他们都是情侣......之后没有什么特别,就一直陪她们跑厕所了哦(太得空了)~哈阿哈...他们还蛮有趣的!她们唱完歌回家路上,有block ~警察要我们的身份政,抄下了放我们走~无聊~


今天做工当然累咯,昨晚迟睡嘛~下午,难逃命运的安排~saujana impian-behind tesco de herbaline not enough beautician,irene n yumi u two follow me,i sent u two go there n help~怎知,丽珊在我们过去后他回来metropoint因为有顾客做新仪器~昨天丢下我一个人再saujana今天则是我和yumi~but due to i get used of it so still ok~lucky got yumi,i dint felt lonely like yesterday~但是,由于彼此表情太“丰富”乐~回来后一直担心cctv有没有拍到~swt!!!做贼心虚?哈~2moro yumi was off,i so scare~i don wan,i hate lonely feel~altot stiill got another two beautician but dunno y i feel sad n scary.......maybe always with yumi ba?习惯了~哈

tIrEdZzzZ....gOoD nIgHT..JusT hoPe EveryTHINg WiLL bE oooooooook...

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